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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/14/2007
Chichester Conservation Commission
Monday, May 14, 2007
Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM.  Members present: Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Gordon Jones, Walter Sanborn, Dawn Marshall, Zack Boyajian.  Jamie Pike was present to take minutes.

1.  Public Informational Meeting – Phase II Wetlands Inventory.
        Peter Steckler and Peter Walker were in attendance from Vanasse Hangen, Brustlin Inc. (VHB) to present an overview of the Wetlands Inventory for the northern portion of Chichester.  The steps and timeline included in the study as well as the usefulness of the collected data were presented to the attending public.  The field study part of the process is to begin on June 11th thru June 29th.  The synthesis of all collected data will be submitted on October 15th with a public informational to follow in December.

Discussion was raised following the presentation concerning costs and feasibility of the study.  It was explained that the costs of the study will be directly affected by the number of areas that can be included in the field study.

2.  Review/Approval of Minutes and Mail.
        The minutes of the April 9th meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.

3.  CCC Goals Status Review
        Long Term-
a.  Complete Wetlands Inventory -  Mr. Mann, Mr. Andrews, and Mr. Jones will coordinate to contact each of the non-responders to gather the remainder of the data needed to move forward with the Wetlands Study.

        b.  Increase Involvement with Planning Board – no new activity

c.  MSCA -  Mr. Mann reported that there was approximately 3ft of water in Marsh Pond.  

d.  Carpenter Park Survey – complete

e.  Carpenter Park Management Plan – Mr. Boyaijian will request presence with the Board of Selectmen and Recreation Committee for further advancement.

Short Term-
a.  Access to MSCA -  Mr. Mann reported the path is in good condition.

b.  Establish a Stewardship Account – complete

Chichester Conservation Commission
Monday, May 14, 2007
Meeting Minutes Page 2

Short Term Goals Review Continued.
c.  Adopt Criteria for Accepting a Conservation Easement – complete

        d.  Habitat/Vernal Pool Inventory of Town-owned Land – complete

e.  Website Maintenance and Education – The Commission is continuing to search for a volunteer to maintain the website.

f.  Land Protection Contacts – no activity to report

4.  Other Business

Mr.  Mann reported that he approved a Minimum Impact Application that had been received for the reconditioning of Center Road.

In accordance with RSA 41:14-a the Board of Selectmen have presented the Commission with a parcel of land Map 4 Lot 48 for review and recommendation for sale.  The Commission will gather to view the property on May 17th.

Discussion was made concerning setting goals for the ensuing year.  It was recommended that the process be added to the forthcoming agendas in three sessions:  
1. Discussion and Development
2. Review and Refinement, and
3. Prioritizing and Voting.

Mr. Andrews reported that the boundaries of all conservation easements had been walked.

The next monthly meeting of the Chichester Conservation Commission will be held on the evening of June 11th at 7:00 PM.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jamie A Pike